PHILIP SHAFER Mineral Rights in Texas | Real Estate CRM

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Mineral rights owned by SHAFER PHILIP
Legal | Operator | Lease Name | RRC | Type | NRI | County | Value | Year |
0.0018160 OR COFFIELD-SMITH "A" | RRC # 14032 | BETRO INC | AB 209 A SMITH SUR RRC 14032 | BETRO INC | COFFIELD-SMITH "A" | RRC # 14032 | Royalty Interest | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX |
0.0018160 OR COFFIELD-SMITH "E" W#1&2 | RRC # 14776 | BETRO INC | AB 209 A SMITH SUR RRC 14776 | BETRO INC | COFFIELD-SMITH "E" W#1&2 | RRC # 14776 | Royalty Interest | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX |
0.0018160 OR COFFIELD-WINSTON"A" W1,2,4,5,8 | RRC # 14571 | BETRO INC | AB 250 J S WINSTON SUR RRC 14571 | BETRO INC | COFFIELD-WINSTON"A" W1,2,4,5,8 | RRC # 14571 | Royalty Interest | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXX |
Present Value Calculator

Profitability Measures
Results | Value | IRR | ROI | Payout |
PV-0 | ||||
PV-5 | ||||
PV-10 | ||||
PV-15 | ||||
PV-20 | ||||
PV-30 | ||||
Data Results
Month | CL Production | NG Production | CL % | NG % | CL Revenue | NG Revenue | Lifting Cost | Sev Tax | Ad Val Tax | Total | Balance |