Oil & Gas

Published: Sep 27, 2022 | Updated at: Sep 27, 2022

Do you own mineral rights in Texas? If so, you may be wondering how to get the best deal when it comes time to negotiate an oil and gas lease.

The oil and gas industry is booming in Texas, and there is no shortage of companies interested in leasing mineral rights. However, you need to be careful when negotiating a lease, as the terms of the lease can have a big impact on your rights and the value of your minerals.

We have created an oil and gas leases for dummies guide for you that offers tips on negotiating the best oil and gas leasing deal. Keep reading to learn more about how to get the best deal for your Texas mineral rights!

What are Mineral Rights?

Mineral rights are the legal rights to exploit mineral resources. These rights can be granted to individuals, companies, or governments. Usually, the government grants mineral rights to private parties in return for payment or other considerations.

Mineral rights allow the holder to exploit the minerals on the land for economic gain, especially in the Permian Basin. The holder can develop the land for mining, drilling, or other activities. They can also sell or lease the land to others for these purposes.

Mineral rights differ from surface rights, which are the rights to use the land for other purposes such as farming, ranching, or recreation. Surface rights owners may still have the rights to the minerals on their land, but they are not necessarily included in the mineral rights.

What Is Oil and Gas Leasing?

Oil and gas leases are contractual agreements between a landowner and a gas company that gives the gas company the right to explore and drill for gas on the landowner's property. The lease is typically negotiated between the two parties and can last several years.

Under the terms of the lease, the gas company will usually pay the landowner a signing bonus and a royalty on any gas produced from the land. The royalty is typically a percentage of the total value of the gas, and it is paid to the landowner on a monthly or yearly basis.

The oil and gas lease is a critical part of the oil and gas industry, and landowners must understand the lease terms before signing it.

An oil and gas lease is a legal agreement between an oil and gas exploration company and a landowner. This agreement contains a short paragraph that sets out the terms of the lease.

There are several things to consider before signing an oil and gas lease in Texas. These include who will own the working interest and the landowner. The lease also will specify the length of the lease.

Surface Rights

A company needs to obtain surface rights from the landowner to develop oil and gas resources. This process typically begins with the company sending a lease agreement to the landowner. The landowner then has the option to accept or reject the agreement.

Surface rights owners may be able to restrict certain operations on their land. If this is the case, surface owners should contact the lessee company to negotiate a reasonable surface use agreement. In some cases, surface owners may wish to negotiate an overriding royalty interest as part of the leasehold interest of the operator.

If the landowner accepts the agreement, they will sign the lease and return it to the company. The company will then make the necessary arrangements to begin development. If the landowner rejects the agreement, the company will not be able to develop the resources on that land.


Mineral interest royalties are payments made to the mineral interest owner for the rights to extract minerals from the property. Royalty payments are typically a percentage of the revenues generated from the sale of the minerals. They can provide a valuable source of income for the mineral interest owner.

There are many factors to consider when negotiating a mineral interest royalty. These include the type of minerals extracted, the property's location, and the mineral sales market conditions. An experienced lawyer or broker can help you navigate the complex issues involved in royalty negotiations and ensure you receive a fair royalty payment for your mineral interest.


Before entering into any lease negotiations, it is critical to research the oil and gas companies you are interested in leasing your land to. A good place to start is the state oil and gas commission website, where you can see what permits they hold, how much they have produced, and if they've had any violation notices.

Look for reputable, established operators and avoid new or unproven ones. Some oil and gas operators will use a contract landman to lease your land, but you should ask the landman to identify the operator.

Often, mineral buyers will offer you a deal well below market value. While some buyers will include a mineral deed with their offer, others will use teaser language that makes it seem too good to be true. You don't want to sign a contract with a mineral buyer who uses teaser language or pressure tactics.

Royalties Clause

The royalties clause in an oil and gas lease is a contractual agreement between the lessor and lessee that establishes the lessee's royalty rate to be paid to the lessor.

The royalty rate is typically a percentage of the gross oil and gas production from the leased property. The royalties clause also typically includes provisions for how the lessee will make the royalty payments and how they will be calculated.

Depth Clause

In a depth clause oil and gas lease, the lessee agrees to pay the lessor a certain amount for the right to drill for oil and gas at a specified depth. The depth clause protects the lessor's interest in the oil and gas reserves beneath the land's surface.

Warranties Clause

The warranties clause in an oil and gas lease is a critical part of the agreement between the lessor and lessee. This clause sets forth the warranties that the lessor makes to the lessee regarding the title to the leased premises. It also warranties the compliance of the leased premises with all applicable laws and the quality of the oil and gas extracted from the leased premises.

Negotiating the Best Lease Deal

If you're wondering how to negotiate oil and gas leasing for your mineral rights in Texas, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, make sure to read your lease carefully. Most mineral owners don't hire an attorney, so their leases tend to favor the operator.

For instance, your lease may allow the operator to use your gas for free. Other operators may run frack fleets at your expense. These clauses can be problematic.

Next, figure out how much money your mineral rights will be worth. While a non-producing mineral right has very little value, a producing mineral right can be worth as much as $25,000 per acre. To estimate the value, you need to know how much royalty income your mineral rights will bring in each month.

Strategies for Negotiating a Lease Deal

If you own mineral rights in Texas, you might have to negotiate a lease with an oil and gas company to extract the oil and gas. These negotiations are much like any other business deal, and both parties need to know what they are getting into. To negotiate the best lease deal for your Texas mineral rights, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

First, make sure to read your lease carefully. Most mineral owners don't hire an attorney, so their leases tend to favor the operator. Fortunately, you can (and should) get legal advice if you haven't handled mineral rights transactions before.

For instance, your lease may allow the operator to use your gas for free. Other operators may run frack fleets at your expense. These clauses can be problematic.

Next, you must determine the value of your mineral rights in Texas. Non-producing mineral rights are worth zero to $250 per acre, while producing mineral rights can be worth $25,000 or more. However, this value depends on the lease's length and current offers.

Make sure to get a professional valuation. Most of the time, back-of-the-envelope calculations don't reflect what the mineral is worth. The buyer's interests are not aligned with yours.

So before you decide to negotiate, get an independent valuation done for your minerals.

Tips for Dealing with Oil and Gas Companies

When it comes to oil and gas companies, you should keep a few things in mind. First of all, these companies are huge, and they have a lot of money. They're also used to getting their way. So when you're dealing with them, you need to be careful.

Here are a few tips for dealing with oil and gas companies:

- Do your research. You need to know as much as possible about the company you're dealing with.

- Be prepared. Know your goals and what you want to achieve.

- Be assertive. Don't let the oil and gas company bully you.

- Know your rights. You have rights as a landowner, so make sure you know what they are.

Dealing with oil and gas companies can be tricky, but if you follow these tips, you should be able to negotiate a fair agreement.

The most important rule of dealing with oil and gas companies is to never sign anything without having a lawyer look it over first. Even if you trust the company, their interests are not necessarily aligned with yours.

Be clear about what you want. If you're leasing your land for drilling, ensure you understand the lease terms and the rights you have to the minerals beneath your property.

Don't be afraid to ask for more money. Companies will often lowball landowners, so don't be afraid to negotiate for a higher price.

Are You Ready to Negotiate Mineral Rights?

There are many factors to consider when negotiating oil and gas leaseing in Texas. The most important factor is ensuring you get the best deal for your mineral rights. To get the best possible deal on your oil and gas lease, work with a lawyer experienced in oil and gas leasing negotiation.

Need an efficient way to manage your oil and gas lease portfolio? Sign up for Halsell today to discuss project management solutions to help you plan and organize your mineral rights and negotiations.

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